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Join us for a Keith's Cacao HooBaLoo in Essex!

What is a '"HooBaLoo"?

A gathering of Keith's Cacao Practitioners, Cacao lovers and friends to celebrate Cacao and each other!

Come meet your "local tribe" of Practitioners, fellow advocates, and lovers of the finest 100% Pure Ceremonial Cacao in the world!

What is this whole HooBaLoo about?

It's about connection and celebration. It's about meeting, face to face, coming together as a community to get to know and delight in the presence of fellow Practitioners and all Keith's Cacao friends.

Watch this space for Keith's Cacao HooBaLoos across the globe and get inspired to organize the next HooBaLoo in your corner of the world!

Important Details:

What to expect:

What to bring:

About the Location: Wethersfield Eco Project is the historic parkland of Wethersfield Manor

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