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Have you been touched by the magic of Ceremonial Grade Cacao? Do you feel called to share this super-food magic with others? Are you seeking to know more about what it means to share Keith’s Ceremonial Grade Cacao?

We invite you to explore the profound ways that our Practitioners have made an impact on their community and on themselves. For those called previously, the Keith’s Cacao Practitioner Program provided the knowledge, community and support to successfully share Cacao in their unique, magical way. 

There is no right way to share Cacao; only YOUR way

Susy Schieffelin: Returning to Unconditional Love

Susy's journey with Cacao and Sound began as a deep need to find peace within herself and has grown into a way of life. A vocation that impacts the hearts, minds, and souls of others. Knowing that healing is possible when we remember our loving essence, Susy is impassioned to help others experience the alchemical union of Sound and Cacao. Her multi-sensorial sound-based Cacao ceremonies are being embraced by an ever-growing community.


Caroline Wacker: Having the Courage to Show Up for Yourself

When she awoke one day with her left side completely paralyzed, Caroline was forced to make radical changes in her life. And she did. Softly held and guided by the feminine essence of Ceremonial Cacao, she was able to sit and feel safe in her body and with the myriad of emotions running through it. Today, Caroline shares Ceremonial Cacao with the world as a Keith's Cacao Practitioner, holding space for others to anchor, align and connect with themselves and others. 


Paula Gibson: Meeting and Accepting the Whole Self

After a wild personal journey of acceptance and meeting herself in her darkest spaces with the help of Mama Cacao, Paula Gibson became the very first Keith's Cacao Practitioner in Ireland in 2015. Since then, Cacao has spread across the land like wildfire! Paula now holds regular ceremonies, 1-to-1s, deeper containers, and Cacao training programs, where the emphasis is giving space for the medicine to work.

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Pei Ying Chew: Be the Best of You

Pei Ying Chew is a Certified Coach, NLP Practitioner, Image Consultant, Sound Healer, and Keith’s Cacao Practitioner in Singapore. She shares the magic of Ceremonial Cacao from her holistic healthcare space, facilitating ceremonies and private sessions for individuals and couples. She uses the safety and gentleness of Cacao to help people find ease, grace, and a harmonious connection to themselves and others.

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Sharing is a gift. Sharing Cacao is a blessing.

Ianthi S.

Are You Ready to Become A Practitioner?

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